An experienced woodchopper searching for work in the barren desert won't find work as a woodchopper. He has the ability and the desire, but he's not in the right place. The woodchopper should enlare his search area. It's impractical to look for work nearby.
The woodchopper, for example, may be so happy living in the desert and he doesn't want to move away. When he attempts to convince the person who is hiring woodchoppers in a neighboring state that he's the man for the job, he's not convincing about wanting the job - probably because he's not convinced himself.
If the woodchopper decided to move away from the desert so he could earn a living while he prepared for a career that offered gainful employment, he might feel differently. He'd look upon this 'out-of-town' job as a means to an end and want to be hired.
The rest of the story ... again, you do the math.